Learn how to manage diarrhoea effectively
Good infection prevention and control practices are essential in health and social care settings and are particularly important when individuals have diarrhoea. The Poopology Game helps health and social care staff learn how to correctly manage individuals with diarrhoea, ensuring they are treated quickly and correctly, and infections are not transmitted to others.
The game helps frontline staff working in hospital, residential/nursing home and domiciliary care settings to improve their understanding of best practice in the management of diarrhoea. It explores established principles of infection prevention and control in a fun and memorable way, allowing players to test and develop the knowledge they need to minimise the spread of infection and improve patient care.
Topics covered by the game include:
- Hand hygiene
- Identifying diarrhoea and taking stool samples
- Documenting & reporting diarrhoea
- Cleaning of environment and equipment
- Isolation procedures
- Handling laundry

Suitable for staff in all care settings
Players compete to reach the finish line first by giving more correct answers than their opponents.
Answer questions based on which square you land on – General questions address infection prevention and control practices in all settings, while Care Setting questions are specific to the setting you work in. Before the game, choose which Care Setting pack to play with:
- Domiciliary Care questions
- Nursing and Residential Care questions
- Secondary/Hospital Care questions
Or, use all of the Care Setting cards to learn about infection prevention and control practices in different settings.
In The Media
Developed by Infection Prevention & Control Nurses
The Poopology Game was created by Allison Sykes, Senior Nurse (Practice Development, Infection Prevention and Control) and Catherine Wilkin, Kelly Lamb and Ann Turner (IPCNs) at The Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust. They have been using the game to educate nurses since 2015.
“Correct management of patients with diarrhoea is essential to ensure patients are diagnosed quickly and infections don’t spread to other people. The Poopology Game is a great tool to engage staff and embed knowledge in this area of practice, while also bringing fun into teaching sessions.” - Allison Sykes
“Engaging staff to increase knowledge of the correct management of patients with diarrhoea across all care setting is vital to reduce the spread of infection. The Poopology game is an excellent and innovative way to achieve this by making education interactive. It’s also such fun to play.” - Lucia Pareja-Cebrian, Director of Infection Prevention and Control at Newcastle Hospitals
Feedback from players
“Easy to follow and very relevant.”
“A very good learning tool and it makes you think about things you don’t do properly”
“A fun and educational game. Made learning and knowledge testing interesting.”
“Initiated team discussions whilst also being fun.”
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